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When we usually hear SHHH we immediately associate it with silence, but what we wanted do play on words and use it as SHHH from THW WORD shit since many of the abused women, victims from gender violence remain in silence while they suffer.

We want you to know that if you speak, things can change. 


NO more hits that HURT. NO more words that WOUND.

Our aim is to make the victims report all the shit they have been suffering from.

To wake up the minds from a XXI Century society.



Violence not only means killing someone. There's violence when we use the word FAT, when we do certain moves to minimize another person, when we obey because of FEAR. 

Violence is much more subtle and much more profound.

Gender violence it is one of the worst experience that can anyone ever suffer. It's a contiunuous torture that scars you for life.


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